Gildings Barn Wedding | Tom + James

[G]ildings Barn in Surrey was the venue for James and Tom’s big outdoor wedding a few weekends ago. I first met this pair when Tom was Best Gay at his friend Ellen’s Wedding up in Hackney this time last year. His speech was one of the funniest I think I’ve ever seen so I was looking forward to seeing them all again and to shooting their own wedding.

This was one of those all out country weddings with miles of bunting and flowers in jam jars. The Mums have been sewing and growing like demons and it all came together for this glorious sunshine filled day with a gorgeous outdoor personal ceremony at the heart of it. It was all very relaxed.. well until the ceilidh when everything got very active!

Forever can never be long enough for me, to feel like I’ve had long enough with you. FORGET THE WORLD now we won’t let them see but there’s one thing left to do ..