Relaxed Wedding at Farbridge Barn in Sussex

[S]ome weddings are so relaxed that you’d just love to be a guest at them. Like Jess and Joss’s big day at Farbridge Barn in Sussex. Jess was such a laid back bride and bridal prep felt like getting ready for a girls’ night out. Meantime Joss was greeting guests on the lawn before we all gathered for the very lovely ceremony.

Their wedding had Scottish elements, Danish elements, and lots of fun elements. We escaped to a nearby field and leafy lane for their portraits but I think my favourite pictures are on the Farm fence where we all suddenly realised that it looked a lot like a cast photo for Emmerdale! Can we go back and do it all again?

It’s too much to comprehend, Beyond all you’d imagine. I’m ENCHANTED by your magic, Caught in a spell that never ends …